Analysis of the Comparison of Education Systems in Developed Countries as a Comparative Study of Educational Progress in Indonesia


  • Nurrijal Nurrijal Universitas Halu Oleo



Education Comparison, Education Input, Education Process, Education Output, Education System, Education Development, Education Quality


This article examines the comparison of educational treatments in several developing countries through the analysis of the input, process, and output aspects of education. The study employs a comparative method to compare education policies and practices in developed countries. It is conceptual research that gathers data from various sources, including government reports, academic research, and relevant literature such as books, internet sources, and journals. The analysis is conducted by collecting and analyzing information to understand the differences in education systems, the quality of education, and the factors influencing educational output. The study aims to provide deep insights into the construction of educational system development in Indonesia, focusing on the influence on educational output. Education is a domain influenced by various factors, resulting in differences in educational outcomes and quality among countries. The analysis results indicate significant variations in education policies, curricula, teaching methods, and educational resources in the compared countries. This research encourages studying the education systems and implementation in institutions or other countries with the aim of absorbing positive information to improve and enhance education in Indonesia. Considering the analysis results, this article presents an important contribution to the thinking and renewal of education in Indonesia, highlighting areas that need improvement and models that can be adopted to improve overall education quality.


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How to Cite

Nurrijal, N. (2024). Analysis of the Comparison of Education Systems in Developed Countries as a Comparative Study of Educational Progress in Indonesia. Jurnal Biologi Babasal, 3(1), 7–20.


