Author Guidelines
Write a maximum title of 20 words, typeface using Times New Roman, Font 13, Bold, Center, and use Capitalize Each Word. Titles in Indonesian and English
Full names of all authors, not abbreviated and without title. Below the author's name, write the complete affiliation starting from Study Program, Faculty, University, institutional address, postal code, Province, Country, as well as the Corresponding Author's email address and the emails of all authors.
Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, typed in 1 paragraph, 1 space, totaling 150-200 words, containing the main points of the research, such as objectives, methods and research results. The abstract must be able to describe how the research conducted can contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of education. Keywords are written below the abstract in italic format and constitute the substance of the research conducted and are stated in the title. accompanied by keywords in Indonesian and English to match.
The introduction consists of 400-600 words, includes research objectives, clear background, avoids literature in the form of survey results. Indicate the research objective in the last paragraph. The original research manuscript is written in no more than 8000 words (including tables and figures). The manuscript is typed on A4 white paper, size (210x297 mm2), with 1 (single) spacing, size 12 pt, Times New Roman. In the table, smaller letters (11 pt) are used. Table and figure captions are written in 12pt size. The scientific name of the species is written in italics. The surname (genus) name needs to be clarified in the first writing and abbreviated in subsequent writing. The use of names that cause confusion must be avoided. Standard chemical symbols and abbreviations of chemical names can be applied using commonly used words and can be abbreviated after the first spelling is explained. Measurements must be written using international standards such as the abbreviations gram (g), milligram (mg), milliliter (ml) and others without a period following them. Avoid expressing ideas with complicated and long-winded sentences and use effective and efficient sentences. Citations in manuscripts are written in the "name and year" system; and sorted alphabetically (A-Z). When citing articles written by two authors, both authors' names must be mentioned, but for three or more authors, only the last name of the first author is mentioned followed by et al., (in italics), for example Karim & Kenta (2021) , Karim (2021); (Karim & Kenta, 2007); Haruna & Nurlia, 2005; Nurlia et al., 2021. Unpublished data should not be used as a reference. As many as 80% of references must come from scientific journals in the last 5 years, and journals used as references must be registered in ISSN and Google Scholar.
This methods section must explain the research methods used, including the implementation procedures. Tools, materials, media or research instruments must be explained well. If necessary and important, there is an attachment regarding the structure of the instrument or fragments of material used simply to provide examples for readers.
If there are statistical formulas used as part of the research method, it is best not to write down formulas that are commonly used. For example, there are specific provisions set by researchers in order to collect and analyze research data which can be explained in this method section. Authors are advised to provide reference sources for the methods used.
In general, the research results are described first, then there is a discussion section, there are sub-headings for the results and a separate discussion.
Articles may contain tables and/or images. Tables or pictures should not be too long, too big or too many. Writers should use variations in the presentation of tables and figures. The tables and figures presented must be referenced in the text.
In writing, the table explains several names in this article template, while Figure 1 explains the weight of the number of words in each section specified in the Journal. Note that the table does not contain vertical lines (upright) and horizontal lines (flat) only exist at the head and tail of the table. The font size of the table contents may be reduced.
Discussion of research results must refer to previous research results that have been published in scientific journals. Authors are advised to refer to research results that have been published in Research Journals.
The Education and Science Research Journal refers to credible sources, namely those written by experts in their fields and goes through a review or editing process before being published.
The bibliography is written at the end of the article with the same type and size as the body of the article. The bibliography is sorted alphabetically. Everything referred to in the article must be written in the bibliography, and everything written in the bibliography must be referenced in the article by writing what is referred to in the article. All quotations must follow writing ethics, especially when it comes to writing direct or indirect quotations.
The Journal editorial team advises authors to use software that helps write articles easily, especially to help write reference sources. Things like this are mechanical and can take up time to think about things that are more substantial than the content of the research. However, using a standard writing format can make it easier for readers to understand the contents of the article so they can follow up on the research results presented in the article.
The closing contains conclusions from the results of the research carried out. Conclusions must clearly indicate the results obtained, their advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion is a synthesis of suitability between problems, objectives and results. The conclusion is sufficient to answer and is in accordance with the problem or research objective. You may add implications or suggestions (not mandatory). It is best to write it in paragraph form, not in list/numbering item form.
This section contains thanks to sponsors or fund donors, or to parties who played an important role in carrying out the research.
The bibliography is sorted alphabetically. Everything referred to in the article must be written in the bibliography and everything written in the bibliography must be referenced in the article. Primary reference literature, a minimum of 70 percent comes from primary literature/scientific journals (for the field of exact sciences), or 50 percent from primary literature/scientific journals for the field of Biology Education. Books containing theoretical concepts may be used as references, but a maximum of only 30 percent (for exact sciences) or 50 percent (for Biology Education). The minimum number of references in the bibliography is 15 references. To make it easier to write reference sources, use software such as Mendeley and so on.
Note: At least 2 pieces of literature/bibliography come from the Jurnal Biologi Babasal