Peer Review Process

Every manuscript submitted to the Jurnal Biologi Babasal objectively go through the editorial stages below.

  1. First selection. Submitted manuscripts will go through initial screening by the editorial board regarding their suitability to the scope of the journal, journal focus, and basic requirements as well as plagiarism checking. If it fails to comply with these standards, the manuscript is immediately rejected. Manuscripts that pass the initial selection will immediately be processed to the review stage.

  2. Peer review stage. The editorial board will send the manuscript to reviewers (bestari partners) who will assess the suitability and content of the manuscript. The review was carried out using double-blind peer review. Bestari partners will assess and provide recommendations on the manuscript and after that it will be sent directly to the editorial board.

  3. Second selection. The editorial board receives recommendations from reviewers in three categories: rejected, accepted with revisions (minor or major), or accepted without revisions. Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editorial board plenary meeting will determine which manuscripts are accepted and rejected. Manuscripts received without conditions will be processed directly to the language editing stage, while manuscripts that still need to be revised will be returned to the author.

  4. The author is given time to revise the manuscript. The revised manuscript will be sent back to the journal editor. After the revised manuscript is received again, the editorial board will carry out an examination regarding the suitability of the revision with the reviewer's suggestions and comments. If the revision is deemed inadequate and appropriate, it will be sent back to the author to improve it again, while manuscripts that have met the revision requirements will be processed to the next stage.

  5. Language editing. Language editing was carried out by an Indonesian language editor.
  6. Proofreading and author approval. The manuscript will be returned to the author for proofreading and to request final approval from the author to publish the article.

  7. After proofreading and approval has been obtained from the author, the manuscript will immediately enter the layout and presentation stage.

  8. Publication. Publication is done online and in print.