The Babasal Agromu journal is an open access journal dedicated to the publication of new research in all aspects of applied agricultural science, with a focus on cultivation to crop processing and the use of plants in agriculture. This journal aims specifically for the publication of original papers. Original research articles are written in Indonesian and feature well-designed studies with clearly analyzed writing and logically ordered results accepted, with strong preference given to research that has the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of Agrotechnology and society at large. This journal focuses on various topics in the field: Agricultural Cultivation; Agrotechnology; crop protection; Soil Science; Agricultural Products Science and Technology; Animal Science. Babasal Agromu Journal publishes articles two times in a year (six-monthly) every July and December.

 Journal title  Babasal Agromu Journal
 Subjects Agricultural Cultivation; Agrotechnology; crop protection; Soil Science; Agricultural Products Science and Technology; Animal Science.
 Language  English (preferred)
 E-ISSN 2988-4810
 Frequency  Two times in a year (six-monthly) every July and December
 Editor-in-chief  Ramadhani Chaniago
 Publisher  Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian-Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk
 Citation Analysis  Google Scholar

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
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