Sistem Pemasaran Jambu Kristal Di Desa Saiti Kecamatan Nuhon Kabupaten Banggai (studi kasus Mitra Buah Desa Saiti)
Sistem Pemasaran Jambu Kristal Di Desa Saiti Kecamatan Nuhon Kabupaten Banggai (studi kasus Mitra Buah Desa Saiti)
The stable price of crytal guajava fruit has a direct impact on the level of marketing efficiency. Saiti Village as a center for crystal guajava fruit in Nuhon District, Banggai Regency needs to be studied whether the marketing channels being implemented are efficient or not. This research aims to determine : channels in the marketing system, marketing margin valie, farmers share valie, level of efficiency. The research location was determined using the purposive sampling menthod. A total of 4 respondents were interviewed to obtain factual data. Research shows that there are two types of marketing channels, namely marketing channel I involving farmers – final consumers and channel II involving farmers – small traders – final consumers. Channel I with a marketing margin of IDR 0/kg and channel II with a margin of IDR 20,000/kg channel I farmer’s share value of 100% is the large farmer’s share value. Channel II is the most efficient with a value of 23,98%.
Keywords: Marketing System, Crystal Guava, Marketing Margin, Farmer’s Share, Marketing Efficiency.
- 2025-01-19 (2)
- 2025-01-11 (1)

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