How To Teach Integrated AI-Driven Technologies in Journalism

A guideline of journalism teaching based on a review of research and teaching experiences


  • Falimu Lamusu Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk


Artificial Intelligence, communication research, journalism teaching, innovation


This article explores various research projects and international teaching experiences that introduce AI within journalism education based on six international academic events addressing AI across three areas of communication: research, professional context, and university teaching. The insights, projects, and teaching initiatives obtained approach AI from two angles: a critical perspective that examines the social consequences of its use in the media context, and an applied perspective focusing on training journalism students in data collection and processing, automated content creation, and content verification. Despite the scarcity of research and teaching initiatives, this study provides methods to incorporate AI into journalism and communication curricula. This includes adopting a critical perspective that considers media practices while addressing the educational challenges posed by AI technology.


Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi berbagai proyek penelitian dan pengalaman pengajaran internasional yang memperkenalkan kecerdasan buatan dalam pembelajaran jurnalisme mengacu pada enam seminar internasional tentang kecerdasan buatan dalam tiga bidang ilmu komunikasi, yaitu: penelitian, paraktisi profesional, dan pengajaran di perguruan tinggi. Pendekatan pembelajaran jurnalis berbasis teknologi kecerdasan buatan melalui: perspektif kritis yang berfokus pada aktifitas jurnalis dalam konteks media, dan perspektif terapan yang berfokus pada pelatihan mahasiswa jurnalisme dalam pengumpulan dan pemrosesan data, pembuatan konten otomatis, dan verifikasi konten. Meskipun penelitian dan inisiatif pengajaran masih langka, penelitian ini memberikan metode untuk mengintegrasikan kecerdasan buatan ke dalam kurikulum tentang jurnalis dalam program ilmu komunikasi.





