Author Guidelines
Some provisions that can be used as guidelines for writing in the Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen EMOR are as follows:
1. Manuscripts published in this journal are Manuscripts that have never been published in print media, journals or other scientific publications.
2. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English, with due regard to the rules in accordance with the Refined Spelling (EYD).
3. Writing Format:
a. The title is a maximum of 12 words in Indonesian and 10 words in English.
b. Full name of the author (name should not be abbreviated), origin of the university / institution
along with full address, author's email and phone number.
c. The number of manuscript pages ranges from 15 to 25 pages.
d. The typeface used is Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
e. Margin or paper border for Left, Right, Top and Bottom is 2 (two) centimeters with A4 paper size, 210 x 997 mm. centimeters with A4 paper size, 210 x 997 mm.
f. Page numbers are placed at the bottom right corner.
4. Systematization of Article Writing:
a. ABSTRACT; this section contains a summary of the research, including: research problem and objectives, research methods, results and conclusions. and objectives, research methods, results and conclusions. The abstract is presented at the beginning of the text and no more than 150-300 words. The abstract is followed by three to six keywords.
(keywords). Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English.
b. INTRODUCTION; consists of the background of the problem, literature review, formulation of the
problem and research objectives.
c. HYPOTHESIS (if any).
d. RESEARCH METHODS; consists of location and time of research, population and sample, types and sources of data, operational definitions, data analysis. samples, types and sources of data, operational definitions, data analysis.
e. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; contains results and discussion of findings, describe the analysis of research data and describe the results through discussion.
f. CLOSING; consists of conclusions and suggestions.
g. LITERATURE; contains sources cited in the writing of the article.
article. Only sources that are referenced can be included. (required list
list contains 80% national or international articles and 20% contains references from books and other media). references from books and other media).