Impact of the Income Rate of Rubber Farmers on Family Welfare in the village of Korobonde, Lembo district, North Morowali
Income level is the standard of living that an individual or family can enjoy based on their income or other source of income. The objectives of the research are: To find out the income level of rubber farmers in the Korobonde village of Lembo district; to know the well-being of the rubber farmer family in the Lembo village; To know the relationship between the income rate of the gum farmer and the family welfare. The location of this research was carried out in the village of Korobonde district Lembo district Morowali North. With consideration of the village Korobonda district of Lembo is part of the population of rubber farmers where the area of the plantation is 770 Ha. The area of village Corobonde is 1007 Ha, then the comparison of the land area with the size of village (770: 1007 x 100%) there are 76.46 % of the ground is rubber gardens and is a commodity of village superiority. The study was conducted in April-June 2022. The population in the study was rubber farmers with the number of samples taken 5% of the population that is as many as 48 people; Sampling was done by simple random sampling or random simple. The result of the study is the average income of rubber farmers of Rs. 81.639.796/year; the welfare level of farmers is in the category of high level of welfare, which is as many as 24 farmers or 50%; the relationship between income and the level of well-being of 0.33 is in category of weak.
Keywords: Income level, rubber farmer, family welfare


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