Factors Affecting Vanilla Production in Boloak Village, Balantak District
The aim of this research is to find out the price factors affecting the vanilla production, the distance factors in the remote villages affecting Vanilla production and the poor quality factors of Vanilla producing vanilla in the Boloak Village. The research was conducted in the village of Boloak, Balantak district, Banggai Sulawesi Central. The data analysis method used in this study is the double linear regression analysis method with the equation y = b('0 )+ b_1 x_(1 ) + b_(2 ) x_(2)+ b _(3 ) x _(3)+ e. The results of the study show that there are two variables that have a very real (significant) influence on vanilla crops in the village of Boloak at the 95 % confidence level, namely the price variable with a significance value (0,028) and the vanilla quality variables with a significant value (0,001) where both have a signifying value less than the value of ? (0,05).


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