Learnin, Arabic, Learning DifficultiesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of Arabic learning difficulties experienced by students of class VIII C MTs Daarul Hikmah Luwuk. In this study, the results obtained from general factors and specific factors that affect students' difficulties in learning Arabic. In addition to obtaining these factors, this study has also presented efforts in overcoming these difficulty factors. this type of research is qualitative research and takes participants from class VIII C MTs Daarul Hikmah Luwuk. The data collection method used is in the form of questionnaires distributed to participants as well as through interviews with Arabic language subject teachers at the school. The results of the study state that the factors of learning difficulties of students in class VIII C include general factors, namely biological, physiological, psychological and environmental factors. Specific factors include school background, curriculum, difficulty memorizing vocabulary, methods and media, fluency in reading letters.
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