The need for effective communication within an organization propaganda, being early involvement of the author to conduct research on organizational communication propaganda agencies. Generally, communication within an organization is often regarded asa normal thing that have received lessattention, in fact communication itself is the flow that connectsand raise the performance of the parts of an organization. This applies in a special propaganda organization that has an organizational structure, planning. Activities and research, where the organization has function in terms ofmoving, directing and coordinating all of which can notbeseparated from communication.
By looking at the background of the problem, then the problem formulation of the model of communicationin the organization of propaganda that is how they carry out their roles.
In this case, the author used qualitative approach where this approach stressing that any findings based on the fact that occurred or found in the field. The quality ofdata is completely accurate before being madeas a theory.
Furthermore, sampling in this study used saturated technique with 28 sample. Inaddition, the data were analyzed qualitatively.
In short, the communication model that accured in organization of Muhammadiyah branch of Luwuk divided into two, namely face to face communication and communication through media.
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