A Systematic Literature Review of Integrated AI-Assisted Communication in Inter-personal Communication


  • Ririn Batjo Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk


Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Communication, Interpersonal.


Advances in AI have greatly enhanced communication and the flow of information. This review summarizes a systematic literature review on AI and human communication, focusing on four databases (Elsevier, Google Scholar, Oxford, and Sage). Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established to eliminate irrelevant publications. After applying the protocol and analysis model, 21 papers were reviewed between May and June 2023. The results indicate that AI, particularly machine learning and computer-mediated communication, has become essential for network operators to automate communication and address real-world challenges.


Kemajuan AI telah sangat meningkatkan komunikasi dan aliran informasi. Tinjauan ini merangkum literatur sistematis tentang AI dan komunikasi manusia, dengan fokus pada empat basis data utama: Elsevier, Google Scholar, Oxford, dan Sage. Kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi digunakan untuk menyaring publikasi yang tidak relevan. Setelah menerapkan protokol dan model analisis, 21 makalah ditinjau antara Mei dan Juni 2023. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa AI, khususnya pembelajaran mesin dan komunikasi terkomputerisasi, telah menjadi sangat penting bagi operator jaringan untuk mengotomatisasi komunikasi dan mengatasi tantangan dunia nyata.





