Communication patterns, work performance, officerAbstract
This research was conducted in Mansamat B Village, Tinangkung Selatan District, Banggai Islands Regency. The purpose of this research was to be able to find out the pattern of communication ethics put forward by the Mansamat B Village government with the community in preparing the village government work plan (RKPDes). The author uses quantitative research namely observation, questionnaire, and documentation. This study uses a likert scale which Sugiono mentions as a measurement method used to measure attitudes, opinions, and individual or group perceptions of phenomena. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data, primary data, namely data obtained from two sources, namely observation and questionnaires conducted informants, respondents who are considered to be able to provide the materials and information needed in this study and secondary data, namely data obtained from institutions or agencies is determined based on use and interrelatedness with the problem to be studied, for example documents obtained from the Mansamat B Village office. As for the data sources used as a basis to support the research, the research informants were the government and the Mansamat B village community, totaling 89 people.References
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