Pengaruh Ketinggian Tempat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonium L) Di Luwuk
Shallot cultivation at altitude can be a solution to meet the needs of vegetables, especially urban communities. So far, the supply of shallots is still from rural areas, whose numbers are still very limited. This study aims to determine the effect of altitude on the growth of shallots (Allium ascalonium L) in Luwuk District. The research was carried out in Kelurahan Lumpoknyo, Kelurahan Hanga-Hanga and Kelurahan Tanjung Tuis, Banggai Regency. This research was conducted in May 2017 until July 2017. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with three treatments: A1 = altitude 473 m asl, A2 = altitude 120 m asl, A3 = altitude 11 m asl. Each treatment was repeated 4 times so that there were 48 experimental units. The results showed that the altitude treatment had no significant effect on 10 HST, 15 HST, 20 HST, 25 HST and 30 HST. And the number of leaves has no significant effect on 10 HST, while at 15 HST, 20 HST, 25 HST has a significant effect. and is very real at 30 HST.Keywords: Latin name, example, five, words, italic
Keyword: Place height, temperature, humidity, exposure time, shallot plants
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