Respon Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah Terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Sampah Pasar
Red onion is one the commodities of farmers have long sought intensively, because it has high economic value, but in the process of exploitation still faces various technical and economic constraints. Fertilizer is now an expensive part of the plant and is a material that is needed by plants. The use of fertilizers should be environmentally friendly and available big around us, one of the fertilizers that can be used is organic market waste which is mostly produced by traditional markets. This research was conducted in Hanga-Hanga Village, Luwuk Selatan District, Banggai Regency, for 2 months. This research was designed by using a Randomized Block Design, the application with 4 treatments that were repeated three times so that it became 12 polybags. The treatments given are: A0=Control (without Application of Fertilizers), A1=Application of Market Organic Fertilizer 1.5 Kg/polybag, A2=Application of Market Organic Fertilizer 2 Kg/polybag, A3=Application of Market Organic Fertilizer 2.5 Kg/polybag. The results showed that the treatment had a very significant effect on plant height and number of plant leaves. It was concluded that the use of market waste organic fertilizer up to the level of 2.5 kg/polybag gave the best results on plant height and number of leaves of onion plants.
Keywords: Red onion, organic fertilizer, growth, market waste
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