Reading, Descriptive Text, Students’ DifficultiesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the difficulties of understanding descriptive text faced by the students of class IX MTS N 1 Banggai, and to identify the factors that influence students' difficulties in understanding reading descriptive texts. The subjects of this study were students of class IX MTS N 1 Banggai. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. This study used two instruments to obtain data, namely interviews and the students’ result. The researchers classify and reduce data. The researcher found that some students still did not understand the descriptive text which was determined by the main idea. The researcher found that some students did not understand the descriptive text, whose main idea was determined first. And, students who had difficulty understanding the vocabulary of the text. Then, there are students who have difficulty in understanding making conclusions from the text using and the last difficulties are to find detail information in descriptive text. The factors that cause students to have difficulty in understanding English reading texts are difficulties in understanding long sentences to read. text, inadequate instruction given by the teacher, difficulty in understanding vocabulary.References
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